The country’s
health care delivery system has been steadily progressing over the last ten
years, with an increasing coverage of primary health care services throughout
the country. The country has managed to develop its vision, roadmap and policy
frameworks that guided its health development drive to extend adequate coverage
of basic health service to the majority of the country’s population. Major priorities in the health sector are improve
the nutritional status, strengthen human resource management and development,
increase equitable access to quality health services, strengthen the
stewardship role of MoPH and governance in the health sector, improve health
financing, enhance evidence-based decision making, support regulation and
standardization of the private sector to provide quality health services,
support health promotion and community empowerment, advocate for and promote
healthy environments, create an enabling environment for the production and
availability of quality pharmaceuticals.
In spite of too
many challenges the Ministry of Public Health in the light of the MoPH five
years strategic plan 2011-2015, succeeded to develop the National Environmental
Health Strategy for 2012- 2015. The strategy focuses on management and
leadership, WASH, food safety, radiation safety/protection, environmental
hygiene/sanitation, occupational health and house and urban hygiene. The
strategy will guide the MoPH and its partners in their work over the next five
Access to safe
drinking water, improved sanitation and air quality
Afghanistan faces a number of basic environmental health (EH) issues,
such as unsafe drinking water; inadequate sanitation facilities, drainage and
water supply; improper solid and hazardous waste management; chemical
contamination; poor air quality and unhygienic food handling at all stages of
supply, storage and transport.
Access to safe drinking water has increased over the last few years. 57%
of households obtain drinking water from an improved source (urban 82% vs. rural
51%). However, the country has a long way to go in improving sanitation. Only 31%
of households have an improved toilet facility, while another 20% do not have
toilet facility at all. Less than half (43%) of households in Afghanistan have
regular electricity supply.
Various studies have highlighted the gaps between knowledge and
practice, in particular where people have acknowledged the need but could not
follow recommended hygiene practices due to lack of water or other facilities.
Drinking water treatments rely only on disinfection by chlorination or
some basic filters in certain places of the country. The quality of underground
water, which has already been reported with contamination of ammonia and
nitrate, is also threatened by construction of septic wells, particularly in
urban areas.
To date, limited data
has been compiled on air pollutant emissions. Preliminary data indicates high
amounts of dust and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in the air, which is most likely
originated from vehicle exhaust emissions. MoPH estimated that more than 3,000
people may die only in Kabul because of air pollution every year.
population (CSO 2012)
to improved source of drinking water* %
Urban %
Rural %
treatment of drinking water** %
Population live in households
using improved sanitation facilities* %
Urban %
Rural %
Households use a specific
place for hand washing* %
Urban %
Rural %
Household with
regular electricity supply** %
*MICS 2010 **AMS 2010